DNS Filtering

Global Policies


Client Group Choose client group to which DNS filtering is to be applied.
Copy Selected Group Settings To copy the settings of the selected group to a different group.

Copy Selected Group Settings


Source Group The client group to which DNS filtering is applied is selected.
Target Action The target behavior is selected. There are 2 options: create and copy a new group and copy to an existing group. (If create and copy a new group is selected, the group name, scope, and show on the registration form options are included.)
Group Name Enter the name of the group to create a new one.
Scope The scope of the new group will be entered.
Show at the Registration Form If it is requested to be shown on the registration form, the box is checked.

Note: The following warning comes if “copy onto an existing group” is selected for Target Actions.



Source Group The client group to which DNS filtering is applied is selected.
Target Action The target behavior is selected. There are 2 options: create and copy a new group and copy to an existing group. (If create and copy a new group is selected, the group name, scope, and show on the registration form options are included.)
Target Group The target client group is selected.


Safe search This enables to elimiate unwanted search results in any search engine which supports safe search.
Active Time Period Choose time when filtering is to be active or inactive.
Allowed Categories Choose permitted categories.
Blocked Categories Choose forbidden categories.
DNS Tunnel Block If DNS tunnel blocking is to be done, active is selected.

DNS Tunnel Filter Settings

It can filter by content. After passive, block, or allow is selected, Qtype is selected and the Qtype settings are saved.


Filtering By Content - New Record


Allowed Addresses


Blocked Address


ePati Cyber Security Co.

Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü
Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
Posta Kodu: 33343
Yenişehir / Mersin / TURKEY

Web: www.epati.com.tr
e-Mail: info@epati.com.tr
Tel: +90 324 361 02 33
Fax: +90 324 361 02 39