Report Settings

Signing the logs (Kamu SM Zamane or Antikor Time Stamp) and backing them up to a different server with any of the FTP, SAMBA, NFS, SFTP, SCP file sharing types are done in the report settings.

Note: According to the disk size, the Storage Time of Archived Log and the Storage Time of Queryable Log of the signed logs should be selected.



When the backup to server feature is activated, the following KVKK warning is encountered.


If you read and approve the above warning, you can enter your server information and send the logs to that server with FTP, Samba, NFS, SFTP, SCP.


Log Type Logs can be maintained in 7 different categories.
Include internal IP address into request header Yes / No
Log Signing Active / Passive
Archived Log Maintenance Period Logs can be maintained from 6 months to 5 years.
Inquirable Log Maintenance Period Logs can be maintained from 1 week to 3 years.
Backup in Server Active / Passive

Log Type

Web Access Reports (HTTP / HTTPS / Proxy) Logs Keeps HTTP / HTTPS / Proxy access reports.
Hotspot Logs Keeps Hotspot user logs.
DHCPV4 Logs Keeps DHCPv4 report logs.
DHCPV6 Logs Keeps DHCPv6 report logs.
User Action Logs Keeps web interface user logs.
System Logs Keeps system report logs.
Login Logs Keeps Antikor users’ loging logs.
Performance Logs Keeps logs of connections defined in routing configurations.
Attack detection logs Keeps the logs of the attacks.
VPN - SSL VPN Logs IPSEC, L2TP/PPTP, SSL and Site to site VPN logs.
Firewall logs (Security Rules, DMZ, Global NAT, Port Routing, Static NAT, NAT, Dynamic NAT, Antispoof, Management Panel, Firewall, Assumed Rules logs)
Implementation Security and IPS logs Application safety and IPS logs.

Log Signing

Signature Program Kamu SM Zamane / Antikor Time Stamp
Client No Enter Customer No obtained from Kamu SM.
Password Enter password obtained from Kamu SM.

Note: As a signature program is selected to the public sector, the customer number and password with TUBITAK Bilgem Public Certification Center attracts a time stamp from the servers. If the antibody time stamp is selected, it attracts a time stamp from the antibody servers (Time Stamp). The signed logs can be displayed from the report archive page under the reports menu.

Backup in Server

File Sharing Type FTP / SAMBA / NFS / SFTP. Specifies file sharing method through which the log to be kept is to be linked to the server where the log is to be kept.

If FTP is selected as File Sharing Type

Address Family IPv4 / IPV6
Server Address Enter IPv4 or IPv6 address of log server maintaining log file, selected in Address Family.
Server Port Enter port number of FTP Log server.
Username Enter username for log server.
Password Enter password assigned to username for log server.
Upload Folder Enter upload folder path of log server.

If SAMBA is selected as File Sharing Type

Address Family IPv4 / IPV6
Server Address Enter IPv4 or IPv6 address of log server maintaining log file, selected in Address Family.
Username Enter username for log server.
Password Enter password assigned to username for log server.
Target Folder Enter target folder path of log server.
Domain Enter Samba as domain.

If NFS is selected as File Sharing Type

Address Family IPv4 / IPV6
Server Address Enter IPv4 or IPv6 address of log server maintaining log file, selected in Address Family.
Server Port Enter username for FTP log server.
Target Folder Enter target folder path of log server.
Linking Path Enter link path of log server.

If SFTP is selected as File Sharing Type

Address Family IPv4 / IPV6
Server Address Enter IPv4 or IPv6 address of log server maintaining log file, selected in Address Family.
Server Port Enter port number of FTP log server.
Username Enter username for log server.
Password Enter password for username for log server.
Upload Folder Enter upload folder path of log server.
Public Key Enter SSH Public Key of log server.

If the file sharing type SCP has been selected

Address Family Keeps HTTP / HTTPS / Proxy access reports.
Server address Keeps Hotspot user logs.
Server port Keeps DHCPv4 report logs.
User name Keeps DHCPv6 report logs.
Password Keeps web interface user logs.
Target folder Keeps system report logs.
Public Key Keeps Antikor users’ loging logs.

ePati Cyber Security Co.

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