Tunnel Spine Configuration


Area Explanation
Status Indicating the active/passive status of Tunnel Backbone
Tunneling Mode Active – Single Tunnel: This option is selected, if there is only one tunnel in the endpoint.
Active – LACP: This option is selected if more than one internet or MPLS is available at the opposite location.
Passive – Single Tunnel: This option is selected if there are devices making NAT at the ends.
Passive – LACP: This option is selected if multiple lines are available.
Location Name The current location name is given.
Address Family The IP Address family used is selected.
Adding VLAN Tagging If we add the tagged VLANs, we make them “active”. If there are VLANs to be transferred, they would be made “passive”.
VLAN Tag to Include If there is VLAN tag to be added, this would be added here.
VLANs (Trunk) VLANs to be transferred are entered here. (Adding VLAN Tag should be passive.)
Native VLAN  


When we enter “Tunnels” menu at the A location and click the “Add” button;


Area Explanation
Status Indicating the active/passive status of Tunnel.
Address Family The address family used is selected. IPv4 or IPv6.
Opposite Tunnel IP Address The opposite tunnel IP address is written.
WAN Interface WAN interface which connect with the tunnel is selected.

When we enter “Public Key” menu at Test location and click the “Add” button;


Area Explanation
Status Indicating the active/passive status of public key.
Explanation An explanation is indicated
Channel Number The channel number specified by the tunnel client must be written.
Public Key Everyone holding public keys can make Tunnel Backbone tunneling. The Public Key is obtained by the Tunnel Client.

Note: The public key button is active only when the Passive-LACP and Passive-Single Tunnel is selected.

ePati Cyber Security Co.

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Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
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