When a request is made to a network, The Gateway is a networked device that acts as an entry point to another network. For example, a wireless router is usually the default gateway on a home network.
It is a technique used to route data on the internet. Publishing the information geographically is choosing its destination, depending on how far the information has to travel. When information goes a shorter physical distance, pages load faster in the web browser.
It is a converter that converts electrical signals to serial optical signals and optical signals to electrical signals.
Types :
- 1000BASE-TX - Copper: Cat5E and Cat6 have been developed to communicate with the cable. They operate at 1000Mbit / s. It is used up to a distance of 15 meters.
- 1000BASE-LX - Single Mode Fiber: Used for long distance connections. They operate at 1000Mbit / s. It runs up to 5 km. Laser Wavelength is 1310 nm.
- 1000BASE-SX - Multi Mode Fiber: Used for short distance connections. They operate at 1000 Mbit / s. Works up to 220 meters. Depending on the quality of the fiber optic cable and termination, it can also work at longer distances. The cost is more suitable than singles fashion. Laser Wavelength is 850 nm.
- 10GBASE-T - Copper: Cat6a has been developed to communicate with cables. They operate at 10Gbit / s. It is used up to 100 meters distance. With Cat5E, this distance is reduced to 30 - 40 meters.
- 10GBASE-SR - Multi Mode Fiber: Used for short distance connections. They operate at 10Gbit / s. The cost is more suitable than singles fashion. Laser Wavelength is 850 nm. The working distance varies according to the quality of the fiber optics. It can work up to 33 meters with a fiber optic cable of the OM1 standard. It can operate up to 82 meters with OM2, 300 meters with OM3 and up to 400 meters with OM4.
- 10GBASE-LR - Single Mode Fiber: Used for long distance connections. They operate at 10Gbit / s. Laser Wavelength is 1310 nm. Works up to 10 kilometers. Depending on the quality of the fiber optic cable and termination, it can also work at longer distances.
- 10GBASE-ER - Single Mode Fiber: Used for long distance connections. They operate at 10Gbit / s. Laser Wavelength is 1550 nm. Works up to 30 kilometers. Depending on the quality of the fiber optic cable and termination, it can also work at longer distances.
They are networks that provide 1000 Mbps connection speed to users. Nowadays 1G, 10G, 40G and 100G technologies are also available.
TDMA is an asymmetric data transmission technology that both sends and receives with an algorithm by sorting the incoming and outgoing data with the data transmission model.
It is a software program that allows a group of people in a network to use the same software or work on the same project at the same time.
G.SHDSL is a standard for DSL, which in most cases can access speeds of up to 2.3 mbps for both upload and download, or up to 4.6 mbps.
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