Terms Beginning with T


Leased-line connection at a rate of 1.544.0 bps.


Leased-line connection at a rate of 44.736.0 bps.

TCP Handshake

  • The client sends a SYN (Synchronize) packet to the server with an X sequence number for a given destination port.
  • The destination system sends a SYN packet with an ACK (Acknowledgment) packet and Z sequence number, corresponding to this SYN packet, if this service is provided by the port and has the necessary security permissions.
  • İstemci, gelen Z sıra numaralı SYN paketine karşılık gelen bir Z+1 sıra numaralı bir ACK paketi gönderir ve böylece 3 yollu el sıkışma sağlanmış olur.


Used to display network traffic on Unix-based servers. Tcpdump is a powerful tool to monitor network traffic anomalies and diagnose problems.


It is a remote connection protocol developed to connect to a machine with an Internet network from another machine.


It is a simple file transfer protocol, expressed as the basic functional form of FTP.

The Harvester

The Harvester is a powerful tool for finding subdomains and email addresses of the target system.

Token Passing Topology

This topology is based on the fact that an electronic token (signal) travels through each station and circulates the entire network. The token in question is a carrier, and each station it receives does not have any data to transmit or distribute at this time, it transfers the token to the next station and thus acts as a repeater.

Token Ring

It is a local network technology where the protocols in the data link section of the OSI model can be accommodated.

Trace Route

Traceroute is an application that shows you how to get to the Destination IP address, which Routers you are passing through, and how long you can reach which router.

Transport Layer

The transport layer is the layer in which the data is transmitted. For example: TCP, UDP

Triggered Update

Update announcement without waiting for timers as soon as a change occurs.

Trunk Port (Tagged)

If another switch is to be connected to the switch port and we can move more than one VLAN ID over a single port, it is defined as Tagged.

What is TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) Model ?

The TCP / IP Model is the generic name given to many data communication protocols that enable the organization of data transmission between computers and data transmitting and receiving units, thus enabling data communication from one point to another.

TCP / IP standard model consists of 5 layers:

1. Physical Layer

2. Data Link Layer

3. Network Layer

4. Transportation Layer

5. Application Layer

ePati Cyber Security Co.

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