This is the section where the form which will appear on the user’s screen when the Register option is activated in LAN / VLAN settings for users who access the Internet will be edited.
Special Areas | DESCRIPTION |
Gender |
The client’s gender will be selected. |
ID Number |
The client’s Identification Number will be entered. |
Name |
The client’s Name will be entered. |
Surname |
The client’s Surname will be entered. |
Date of Birth |
The client’s date of birth will be entered. |
Telephone Number |
The client’s phone number will be entered. |
eMail |
The client’s e-mail address will be entered. |
Nationality |
The client’s nation will be entered. |
Client Type |
The client’s “Client Type” will be entered. |
Client Group |
The client’s “Client Group” will be entered. |
Additional Areas | DESCRIPTION |
Logo |
The client’s Identification Number will be entered. |
Text Input |
Allows the client to enter Text Input. |
Password Input |
Allows the client to enter Password Input. |
eMail Input |
Allows the client to enter eMail Input. |
GSM Input |
Allows the client to enter Telephone Number Input. |
Dropdown List |
Allows the client to select from the Dropdown List. |
Checkbox |
Allows the client to select from Checkbox. |
Title Field |
The Title Field will be displayed on the Registration Form screen. |
Text Field |
The Text Field will be displayed on the Registration Form screen. |
Line |
It allows separating the fields. |
Date Field |
Allows the client to enter the Date Entry. |
ID Number Field |
Allows the client to enter ID Number. |
MAC Field |
Allows the client to enter MAC Address Input. |
Paragraph Input |
Allows the client to enter Paragraph Input. |
It outputs a URL that redirects to the URL link written with the title. |
ePati Cyber Security Co.
Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü
Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
Posta Kodu: 33343
Yenişehir / Mersin / TURKEY
Tel: +90 324 361 02 33
Fax: +90 324 361 02 39