Edit Registration Form

This is the section where the form which will appear on the user’s screen when the Register option is activated in LAN / VLAN settings for users who access the Internet will be edited.



Gender The client’s gender will be selected.
ID Number The client’s Identification Number will be entered.
Name The client’s Name will be entered.
Surname The client’s Surname will be entered.
Date of Birth The client’s date of birth will be entered.
Telephone Number The client’s phone number will be entered.
eMail The client’s e-mail address will be entered.
Nationality The client’s nation will be entered.
Client Type The client’s “Client Type” will be entered.
Client Group The client’s “Client Group” will be entered.
Additional Areas DESCRIPTION
Logo The client’s Identification Number will be entered.
Text Input Allows the client to enter Text Input.
Password Input Allows the client to enter Password Input.
eMail Input Allows the client to enter eMail Input.
GSM Input Allows the client to enter Telephone Number Input.
Dropdown List Allows the client to select from the Dropdown List.
Checkbox Allows the client to select from Checkbox.
Title Field The Title Field will be displayed on the Registration Form screen.
Text Field The Text Field will be displayed on the Registration Form screen.
Line It allows separating the fields.
Date Field Allows the client to enter the Date Entry.
ID Number Field Allows the client to enter ID Number.
MAC Field Allows the client to enter MAC Address Input.
Paragraph Input Allows the client to enter Paragraph Input.
URL It outputs a URL that redirects to the URL link written with the title.

ePati Cyber Security Co.

Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü
Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
Posta Kodu: 33343
Yenişehir / Mersin / TURKEY

Web: www.epati.com.tr
e-Mail: info@epati.com.tr
Tel: +90 324 361 02 33
Fax: +90 324 361 02 39