Dhcpv4 Reports

With respect to a selected date, it shows DHCPv4 reports of clients for which an IPv4 address is assigned by DHCPv4 service.


IP Address Shows IP address assigned.
MAC Address Shows MAC address of client.
Network Shows which network it is on.
Registered Computer Name Shows name of computer registered in Client’s Definition.
Detected Computer Name Shows name of computer given in operating system of the computer.
Lease Start Timestamp Shows date on which IPv4 was assigned.
Lease End Timestamp Shows date on which IPv4 was dropped.
Total Lease Period Shows how long IPv4 address was used.
Date of Registration Shows registration date of device.



ePati Cyber Security Co.

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Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
Posta Kodu: 33343
Yenişehir / Mersin / TURKEY

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