Firewall Reports

The firewall keeps records of the transactions made. Available entries can be downloaded in xls, csv and pdf format.


Date Shows the date on which the firewall-related process worked.
Time Shows what time the firewall-related process is running.
Process Shows what the process is. (Routing, blocking, passing, and NAT)
Type The type of operation performed is shown. (Unspecified, security rules, DMZ,…)
Rule Set Shows which rule package the transaction is stuck in.
In/Out The process is shown to be an input or output Process.
Ethernet The ethenet interface shows the input or output of the process. (LAN, WAN, DMZ,…)
Source IP The IP address of the source (the party on which the traffic started) is shown.
Source User Name indicates the client that initiated the request.
Source Port The source Port number is shown.
Destination IP The IP address of the destination(the party where the traffic ends) is shown.
Destination User Name Indicates the destination client.
Destination Port Displays the destination port number.


Filtering can be done within the fields specified in the table.


ePati Cyber Security Co.

Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü
Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
Posta Kodu: 33343
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