Language Settings

This is the area where language settings are made in Antikor. There are 2 language options (Turkish, English) in total.


Area Description
User Registration It is the section where the language settings are set during the User Registration stage.
Client Changes Form It is the section where the language setting are set during the Client Changes Form stage.
Hotspot Login Screen It is the section where the language setting are set during the Hotspot Login Screen stage.
Announcement Screen It is the section where the language setting are set during the Announcement Screen stage.
Administration Login Screen It is the section where the language setting are set during the Administration Login Screen stage.
Access Blocked Page It is the section where the language setting are set during the Access Blocked Page stage.

ePati Cyber Security Co.

Mersin Üniversitesi Çiftlikköy Kampüsü
Teknopark İdari Binası Kat:4 No: 411
Posta Kodu: 33343
Yenişehir / Mersin / TURKEY

Tel: +90 324 361 02 33
Fax: +90 324 361 02 39