Installation Guideline

Online Review

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Username: demo_en

Password: demo_en

Installation Screens

To install Antikor, firstly download antikor2-promoter-20180207.isofrom the . The latest version should be downloaded. Choose “Last State” option in the Power section of the Server BIOS screen for installation. Burn ISO to a DVD. Seclet Boot DVD.

The Antikor is installed with both the operating system and an interface. When there is “CD Loader” appears in the first line this indicates that installation has started from CD. If the CD successfully runs, Language Chooseion will appear first prior to installation. Choose the desired language and click OK.



In above screen; “Installation” is for a New Antikor version.

  • Nat-Bypass

is for accessing Internet by bypassing Antikor, which is already installed.

  • Re-start

is for restarting the installation.

  • Shut Down System

is for powering of the system.

Since you are going to perform a new installation we choose “Installation” and proceed.


Ethernet connection is needed for installation.


Choose Internet connection type.


In this screen there are 4 Intel Ethernet connections. Choose desired Ethernet connection for installation and proceed with installation.

Note: In the event no Ethernet adapter is showed, check connections and choose “Refresh Recheck Status” option.


By choosing DHCP, the system will connect to the Internet by chooseing an IP from the list of IPs that are being distributed. If there is no system to distribute IP, a manual IP is taken thereby connecting to Internet.


If the internet access is available as stated above, the authorized IP block to access the Antikor shall be specified.


Enter License number in next screen.


Package shall begin to be downloaded if License is verified.


System installation will start after the package download is finished. The next screen is the fdisk process. We should choose GPT in the Disk Partitioning diagram. GPT supports larger disk volumes. MBR does not support disks with capacity more than 2TB.


In Disck Configuration screen, choose disk where the installation shall take place.


The system informs you that all data in the disk will be erased.


Antikor2 installation begins.



The following message is showed when installation is completed.


The system restarts and following screen appears. The system is ready. The above is typed in the address bar to log into web interface. During initial login type antikor for username (admin) and password.


In both console and web interface type antikor for username (admin) and password.

How to Access in L2 Tunnel Backbone WEB Interface?

Configurations can be made by accessing the tunnel with any web browser on the computer. (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox etc.) Before configuring make sure that the tunneling setup IP address is correct and that the cables are plugged in.

  • The IP address ( given to the Tunnel is entered in the address field of the browser. Since it is Port 8800, it should be noted that ”https: //” is written.


  • On the page that opens, click on the login button by typing the user name “demo” and the password “demo.”


  • After login the interface, the password must be changed for security purposes as the first step. Click, the Management Panel Users under the User Management menu.

After, click the “Details” button.


Click the “Edit” button on the page that opens.


In the User Information section, enter the new Password and click the “Save” button.


Institutional Security Policy

Click, the Management Panel Access Settings under the System Settings menu.

For the WEB interface Limitless Access can be opened or that can Limited Access can be specified.


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